Presentations & Resources
We have accumulated a wide range of valuable data recovery presentations, podcasts, documents, and articles to help you better understand hard drive data recovery.
All Speeches and Files
CSX 2015 - Forensic Imager
Shmoocon 2011 - Spindle Replacement
My Hard Drive Died's Newest Video Podcast #14 - Shmoocon 2011 - Spindle Replacement
The Shmoocon 2011 Slides and Animations
After you download the 65meg file, Unzip and Open .HTM & it will run the presentation. Download Slides.
Shmoocon 2011 - YouTube Video
Data Recovery Flowchart
A sample of my thought process on diagnostics for hard drives.
Download Here: < Diagnostic Flowchart >
Scott Moulton Interview Tekzilla with Patrick Norton
TakeDownCon - Dallas 19th 2011
Read the article: Researcher to Discuss Forensic Complications Posed by Apple’s Migration to SSDs at TakeDownCon Dallas
ISD Podcast #308
Jan 25th 2001 - ISD podcast - Episode 308 – Attorney/Client Privilege, Verizon, SET, Leaks Everywhere &P2P
ISD Podcast #119
Covers just about everything I do!
iTunes Subscription:
MyHardDriveDied Podcast
It is a Monthly Podcast with Steve from PodNutz.
Listen Here:
iTunes Subscription:
This is the ftp location I keep files, podcasts, videos, and many various items I have produced. Help yourself, Click Here > Download Here.
Monthly Public Radio Broadcast: Computer America; The last Tuesday of every month I am on the air for 2 hours about hard drives and data recovery! Podcast released on Itunes on Wednesday after the show: Listen here:
iTunes Subscription:
Interview with Ovie Carroll
My Podcast/Interview with Ovie Carroll from CyberSpeak on Forensics and SSD drives:
New! You can listen Mac Users
I was interviewed by Typical Mac User Podcast and they wanted to talk about Forensics and how Drives work.
Two New Books
I have published TWO NEW Book/PDFs. The first is all my research and graphics with text content and notes on SSD (Solid State Drives).

This book is over 100 pages about the basics for how SSD NAND Drives (Flash Memory) and Solid State Drives and how they work from a Forensic and Data Recovery Standpoint. There are hundreds of Graphics including Text and Content written by Scott Moulton about the process Flash Drives and SSD drives perform on your data. This is a must for all Forensic and Data Recovery People looking for information about how Solid State Drives Work. There is a Color Version and a Black and White, however ALL PDF Versions are COLOR at no extra charge!!!
You can purchase this Book or PDF here:

The second is a version of my famous Advanced Data Recovery Research and Whitepapers and the Hard Drive Data Recovery Diagnostics FLOWCHART in a new format. This book is over 90 pages of research on advanced hard drive recoveries and how to perform a recovery. What is the clicking noise the drive makes during the Click of Death, and what is the cause of this? During this discovery you will also be educated on most of the functions of drives and the basics of all repair processes. This book also has a color version; however, ALL the PDF downloads are in color. Printed books are in color OR black & white, depending on what you purchase to ship.
You can also purchase this book or PDF here:
Our YouTube Channel
DOD Cybercrime Summit 2011
Advanced Data Recovery Diagnostic Speech
Download 15megs: < Slides >
Advanced Data Recovery Diagnostics Flowchart:
Download Here: < Diagnostic Flowchart >
Shmoocon 2011
Shmoocon 2011 - Videos & Slides
Video: < Click Here >
Slides: <Download>
ToorCon06 YouTube Videos
Hard Drive Recovery Part 1
Hard Drive Recovery Part 2
Hard Drive Recovery Part 3